Bosnia and Herzegovina
Diana Jenkins’ philanthropy is shaped by her personal experiences as a political refugee, a witness to the atrocities of war and a mother trying to raise healthy children. Diana is a unique philanthropist because she understands the need for immediate assistance in places ravaged by natural disasters or civil war, but she also appreciates the long-term needs for rebuilding civic institutions and the rule of law.
Long after the official cessation of hostilities, much of Bosnia and Herzegovina remains a casualty of war. Its people face daily poverty. The illiteracy rate approaches 30%. Access to medical care is limited. The murder of more than 200,000 people has left a generation of orphans. And many who perpetrated the chaos remain free. Diana Jenkins is working to change this.
Diana Jenkins has established the Sanela Diana Jenkins Foundation for Bosnia in Memory of Irnis Ćatić. The Foundation, which is closely associated with the funding of the medical school at the University of Sarajevo, aims to provide financial support toward establishing Bosnian schools and orphanages. Additionally, it is instrumental in building homes for the country’s poor, supplying emergency aid & relief, and cleaning the country’s lakes and polluted areas.
Diana Jenkins is also supporting the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (the ICTY) in prosecuting war criminals arising from the conflict in the early 1990s.